Exhibition documentation, architecture and everything in between.

Dajo Van den Bussche and Lynn Vanden Bossche together form vandenbussche-vandenbossche, which specializes in documenting cultural venues, architecture, exhibitions, and art reproductions through the medium of photography. This duo’s familiarity with the photographic and artistic spheres underscores their dedication to ensure accuracy within photography, and their understanding of the essential aspects of its craft. Vandenbussche-vandenbossche serve a diverse clientele comprising both institutional and artistic entities, while employing a discrete and precise methodology to ensure client satisfaction.


For more information about pricing and availability, please get in touch via hello@vandenbussche-vandenbossche.com

vandenbussche-vandenbossche is based in Brussels, Belgium, but is available for commissions worldwide.

For more frequent updates, feel free to follow us via Instagram


Jester, Cultuur Centrum Bruges, Cultuur Centrum Scharpoord, Extra City, KASK School of Arts, KU Leuven, Kunsthal Gent, MU.Zee, WIELS Centre for Contemporary Art,...

CCINQ, Curatorial Studies KASK, Funke, Fuse, Het Entrepot, HISK, Hush/Hush, Konvooi Festival, Listen Festival, Pleasure Island, Salon Blanc, Vice Europe,...

10N, A Horse with no Name, Ballroom Project, BruthausGallery,...

Aglaia Konrad, AnneMarie Maes, Danai Anesiadou, Eva Giolo, Hans Demeulenaere, Jelena Vanoverbeek, Lotte Van den Audenaeren, Max Kesteloot, Vica Pacheco,...

⇊ 2024—selection

Impossible Songs (2024)

With works of Mikołaj Sobczak 

Jester, Genk

Commissioned by Jester

Reproductions Jef Geys

Private collection

Commissioned by WIELS Centre for Contemporary Art

Reproductions for Max Kesteloot

Commissioned by 10N Brussels